“I will reveal the secrets of Hard Metal”

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02 April 2019

The press has shown new interest in our group.

On Thursday, March 21st 2019 the weekly paper „Eco Risveglio“ published a 6-column article on Dr. Gian Pietro De Gaudenzi, head of Powder Production and OMCD Laboratory.

Every week the „Personaggi“ section within the article hosts a detailed story dedicated to individuals of the province whom have given a significant contribution to the development of our Country.

Dr. De Gaudenzi is a gobal “ambassador” of our group, as wells as being internationally appreciated and recognized as an expert in Powder Metallurgy and Cemented carbides. With his technical scientific expertise and practical experience, he gives a fundamental contribution to the research and development of higher quality granulometry and tungsten mixtures (the core of our production).

In addition to the personal and working history of Dr. De Gaudenzi, the article emphasizes our group’s reality and that of OMCD Metallurgical Laboratory. The journalist doesn’t forget to mention the importance for the OMCD Group to transmit to the new generations the passion for technical scientific subjects. For this purpose, every year, our group organizes internships in collaboration with the technical institutes of the area, which send us their most promising students to fulfill practical experiences.

An affectionate anecdote from Gian Pietro’s memory, concerning Silvio Tedeschi – OMCD’s founder:

<<I remember that Silvio Tedeschi, the founder, pushed me to look for cobalt in an old mine located between Biella and Ivrea. In the Middle Ages in this area, in fact, people extracted the cobalt and they transported it to Holland, where once oxidized, it was used as a tint to decorate Dutch pottery blue.>>

To read the full text of the article:

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